American Cocker Spaniel
Dr. Alvin Grossman
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Book of the Cocker Spaniel, The
Joan McDonald Brearley
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Caring for Your Pet Cocker Spaniel *
Due February 1997
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Century of Spaniels, A
American Spaniel Club
2 vol. set 1881-1981
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Greer & Austin
2 vol. set; vol. 1-1982, vol. 2-1983 / LE
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Volume 3 (1989)
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Cocker Spaniel *
AKC Breed Video
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Cocker Spaniel- An Owner's Guide to a
Happy and Healthy Pet *
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Specify year when ordering.
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Cocker Spaniel Handbook
Ernest Hart
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Reg. $17.95 4M Price $14.95
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Robert M. Brown DVM
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Cocker Spaniel #
Bart King
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Norman A.& Jean S. Austin
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Cocker Spaniel
Noted Authorities
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New OWner's Guide to Cocker Spaniels *
Judy Iby
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Frank DeVito & Joseph Serrano
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Bill Gorodner & Lloyd Alton
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Out-of-Print, In Stock
ASC Yearbook
American Spaniel Club
Illustrated by Paul Brown
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Flush-A Biography
Virginia Wolf
Order #CKRFAB $14.95
New Cocker Spaniel
Ruth Kraeuchi
Order #B-CRK402 $21.95
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C. J. Pfaffenberger
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Milo G. Denlinger
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